Mass intentions are mentioned in our bulletin, which is passed out in our weekend masses and is added to our website. They are also mentioned during our mass celebrations for our Parish community to keep them in their prayers.
1. Requester Name & Phone Number
2. Desired mass date(s) & time(s)
3. Mass intention name(s) and type.Please make sure to request your intentions at least ten days before your desired mass intention date.
Call the front office at (209)883-4310. The receptions can add your intentions from 10:00am to 3:00pm between Monday through Thursday, and on Friday from 10:00am to 12:30pm. If they are unable to answer your call, please leave a voicemail so they may return your call at their earliest convinience.
If you are requesting after office hours, you can also leave a note with the mass intetnion information and your payment within an envelope which can be deposited at our office building drop off box adjacent to the front office door.